About Us
Project SMILE (Supporting and Motivating Individual Ladies with Empowerment) is a Singapore based, volunteer-led, non-profit organization with IPC status (Institute of Public Character) – in the service of women from the low-income group and women over 50, irrespective of their financial status.
Till date, we have helped more than 300 women and their families through our various services. who benefit from our services such as emotional support, empowerment & training, financial assistance, social integration, referrals, and informational support.
SMILE Seniors is our active ageing programme through which we enhance the quality of life of women over fifty years of age, irrespective of their financial background. We offer well-planned and executed group activities that are conducive to learning new skills, leading to emotional well-being.
Our journey has been enriching and inspiring - we learn from all our beneficiaries and volunteers and we are committed to continue working towards our cause of an equitable society.
Our Story
Like all great endeavours, ours too started with a small step by an individual. Our founder Uma Balji has always lived a life of philanthropy and altruism. Even as a busy mother and homemaker, she would find time serve the less fortunate. Is it a wonder that once she had more time on her hands, she volunteered for Down Syndrome Association Singapore? But the cause that was closest to her heart has always been empowering women.
The universe answered through a television show - that highlighted the plight of women who fell through the cracks and were living a life of despair. Unlike many of us who would watch, empathise, and then move on, Uma took action. She, along with a few friends, raised $100,000 towards this cause. Unfortunately, this programme was no longer accepting funds. Undeterred, Uma approached LISHA (Little India Shopkeepers Association) to form a committee to identify and give financial aid to those who truly needed it.
This was the genesis of Project SMILE.
Meet The Team
Project SMILE is a volunteer-run organization, and we depend entirely on our volunteers for all our activities. Whether it is planning, execution, training, administrative work, representing Project SMILE at various bazaars, logistics, public relations – we have a wonderful set of people who go above and beyond of what is expected of them!
Our Executive Committee
Uma Balji
Mridula Sankaranarayanan
Suchitra Vipin Chandran
Janaki Vishwanath
V Selvam
Rajalaxmi Rajaiya
Seniors Programme
Iru Amrit Barman
T.K Umar
Befriender Programme
Rani Agnihotri
Vice Chairperson
Uma Ranganathan
Social Media and Marketing
Rashmi T.K
Compliance and Marketing
Sujatha Senan
Office Manager
Honorary Advisors and Consultants
Juthika Ramanathan
Honorary Advisor
Viswa Sadasivan
Honorary Consultant
Akhila V Iyengar
Honorary Advisor
Manu Bhaskaran
Honorary Consultant